How Little Family Photo Co all started…

My boys often talk about having to come up with “sizzling starts” for the stories they write at school. A “sizzling start” grips the reader right from the get-go. It’s like a big shebang from the beginning!

I’m not sure that Little Family Photo Co had a “sizzling start” as such, but it has been a low, slow burn for almost all of my life. I fell in love with photography when I was about 8 years old. I remember going on a day trip to Mt Tamborine with my family and we stopped for a picnic lunch in a little park, close to where the hang gliders all run down the side of the mountain to launch. I asked dad if I could take a photo of him and my brothers with our family’s Minolta point-and-shoot camera… and that was when my love affair with photography began.

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Fast forward thirty years (uh, OMG thirty years!) and - COVID. What a year 2020 was.

Like many people, COVID gave me, my husband and our boys a bit more space. Space to really think and reflect. I had been taking photos for friends and family for years and years but had always thought starting a business would be beyond what I had life-capacity and energy to do. I was so wrong, but I’ll come to that in a minute…

I stumbled across a course offering to get you from business idea to launch in 6 weeks, so I invested some time and money in myself and officially launched for business 7 weeks later! You can read more about the course I did here. It was fabulous and I highly recommend it if the technical side of starting a business and even knowing where to start is what’s holding you back from doing it.

Creating and running Little Family Photo Co has been an incredibly cup-filling experience and has brought me so much joy! It is so lovely to have something that feeds my creative side and lets me put that out into the world. And then there are the smiles I get from mums when they see the images that I’ve captured of them with their most-precious-loves which is so heart-warming.

So, as far as a “sizzling start”, I think its about a C+, but as far as the story goes, it’s been a humble little unfolding tale that I hope will never end.

S. x


Family photo shoot ideas