Family photo shoot ideas
I am a lover of photo journaling families. What is photo journalling? It is basically telling a story with images. That is when you get your family’s most genuine expressions, authentic moments and beautiful memories. The memory part is what makes your images even more special as time passes and your family grows and changes.
That is what makes it a story. Your story.
Here are some of my favourite (non-traditional) ways to photo journal a family’s memories.
Sunday mornings at home - making coffee, preparing breakfast, snuggling in bed, playing in the backyard in your pyjamas
The kindy / school run - having breakfast, doing hair, cleaning teeth, packing bags, tying shoe laces (however long it takes!), mum buns (!), doing the drop off and saying the good byes
Cooking a special recipe or preparing a meal together - little ones up on stools to reach, adding ingredients, mixing, licking the spoon, flour falling on the floor, having that first taste when it comes out of the oven
A trip to the library - looking through rows of books, little hands turning pages, borrowing, carrying books in a library bag, looking at the pictures in the car, and then snuggling up on the couch to be read to when you get home
A baby’s home day with mum - playing, feeding, eating, snuggling, singing, reading, going down for a sleep, and just having mum’s full attention.